Sunday, May 26, 2013

Local Wedding Ideas: Part 1

I love the idea of supporting local, small businesses.

Of eating healthy and organic.

I like the idea of buying things from people you know, right here in our own town.

Of going into your bank or local coffee shop and being known by name.

So throughout the summer you will be seeing different little businesses featured on this blog.

With the main focus being on weddings.

So what time could be better, than Memorial weekend, to start off this idea of highlighting businesses right in your own back yard of America.

Welcome to SassafrasBlue:

These rose earrings are to darling!

They are handmade clay roses.

When I saw these earrings, my first thought was; "perfect bridesmaid earrings."

Know anyone getting married this summer?

Or just need some pretty earrings for a date.

 Be looking for more post to come from, SassafrasBlue and go check out her Etsy shop! Tons of cute things for summer.

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