Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Enchanted, Whimsical Forest

My husband and I went on a road trip to the Redwoods this winter, the tress are so huge! So here are my ramblings of the magic of them...

What is it about bridges in the middle of the forest, that make you want to cross them? When the moss is growing around the edge, as if to cover footprints of travelers past. Perhaps the moss, the creaky old wood, the mass of the forest beyond, tell of adventure, of magic, of stories of old.

And as you cross, you enter a land of the unknown, as though you are going through a portal. You see the pathway curving around trees and bushes; wondering off into this glorious land.

Only to discover the beauty of this hidden forest, this land of enchantment, to stand in wonder and curiosity at the majesty of the creation before you.

This is a whimsical forest. Trees that reach to the sky, they are so high, you cannot hear the birds singing as they rest on their tops. It is another world up there, and another here. Here in this green land of delights.

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